Monday, 23 December 2019

Etidorhpa, or the End of Earth, by John Uri Lloyd

Written in the mid-1890s, Etidorhpa is a lost, or at least little-known classic. John Uri Lloyd was a chemist, pharmacist, and occultist, and a contemporary of Jules Verne, whose Journey to the Centre of the Earth may have been a partial inspiration.

Yet while the plot here is nominally "A Journey to the Hollow Earth" in the tradition of subterranean fiction, it is much more. It is a book-within-a-book, wherein the narrator, Llewellyn Drury (a fictionalized version of Lloyd) had 30 years earlier experienced visitations by a mysterious adept calling himself "I-Am-The-Man". This visitor presented him with the titular manuscript of the adept's experiences some time earlier. He had taken up the challenge of an "alchemistic letter" to join and expose the secrets of a secret society (obviously the Freemasons) for the betterment of humanity. Caught, exiled, and given the glamour of premature aging to be unrecognizable to his family and friends, he was escorted to the caves of Kentucky and given over to a featureless escort who led him on his journey.

As with metaphorical (and metaphysical) underground journeys, the rules change as he descends deeper into the earth. Weight, breathing, heartbeat, even speech decrease and become unnecessary as mind transcends matter. Food and drink also become irrelevant, as shown in a discussion that sunlight is the real food of humanity; their journey is lit by an ethereal light without apparent source. The journey becomes a platform for discussions, both between "I-Am-The-Man" and his mysterious escort, and between Drury and the visitor during interludes in the reading of the manuscript. Among others, these topics cover gravity, biology, fluid mechanics, the workings of the brain, even the nature of time itself. In a hallucinatory journey sparked by drinking the juice of a particular mushroom, the adept undergoes terrifying visions (perhaps a little preachy by today's standards) on the evils of drink and other intoxications, and an encounter with the goddess Etidorhpa herself, the soul of love. After a final leap of faith across the centre of gravity of the Earth's hollow shell, "I-Am-The-Man" arrives at the End of Earth itself, is given over to a new adept for further training, and his manuscript ends, where other tales would begin.

In both senses of the word, Etidorhpa is an underground classic of its time, and worth the read.

Editor's Note:  No pagan calendar for January, or any time in the forseeable future.  I'm going on hiatus in that respect, probably permanently, as it may be time for someone of the next generation, and certainly more active than I am in the community, to compile their own calendar. If all else fails, there's Facebook. Blessings to all, 
Stephen Hergest 

Monday, 25 November 2019

December, 2019

December Events:
 Note these events are listed for information purposes only; no endorsement should be necessarily implied. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me. All times MST.

Nov 29, 12:00 pm:  Global Climate Strike 4 Future at City Hall.
Nov 30, 10:00 am:  Calgary Expo Holiday Market at BMO Centre.
Dec 1:  World AIDS Day.
Dec 6:  Anniversary of L’Ecole Polytechnique Montreal Massacre, 1989.
Dec 6, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle, Inglewood Community Centre.
Dec 7, 10:00 am:  Yuletide Psychic Market at Crossroads Community Hall, hosted by The Inner Circle YYC.
*Dec 11, 10:12 pm:  Full (Cold or Long Nights) Moon.
*Dec 13-14:  Geminid Meteor Shower.
Dec 13, 7:00 pm:  Drum.Dance.Live – Circle of Rhythm Foundation’s Holiday Event at Inglewood Community Hall.
Dec 14-15:  Constellations V: A Winter Solstice Celebration at Easter Seals Camp Horizon, Bragg Creek, hosted by Inshala Festival.
Dec 14, 10:00 am:  Yuletide Dinner and Market at Hillhurst-Sunnyside, hosted by Calgary Witches Brew.
*Dec 15, 1:00 pm:  C.W.W.A.P.O.A.K. Pub Moot.
Dec 16, 7:30 pm:  SAPA Movie Night – Midsommar at Didi’s Playhaus, Lethbridge.
Dec 21-22:  The Witchery Market, 10433 – 83 Ave., Edmonton.
*Dec 21, 7:00 pm:  Yule Ball at Loyal Order of Moose, Red Deer, hosted by Magical Elements.
*Dec 21, 9:19 pm:  Winter Solstice.  “The Sun’ll come out tomorrow…”
*Dec 22, 12:00 pm:  Witches’ Mid-Day Yule Tea at Red Bush Tea and Coffee Company, Kensington, hosted by Witches of Alberta.
*Dec 24:  Celtic Tree-Month of Beth/Birch begins, according to Graves and Llewellyn.
Dec 25:  The Silence.
*Dec 25, 10:13 pm:  New Moon.  Lunar Month of Beth/Birch begins.
*Dec 26:  Traditional Hunting of the Wren (Ireland).
*Dec 27, 7:00 pm:  Cochrane Tribe Night, hosted by NRG Healing Works.
Dec 28, 6:00 pm:  Year End Celebration: Tantric Puja, Potluck, and Cuddles! hosted by Numinous Creations.
*Dec 28, 7:00 pm:  Calgary Heathens Meet and Greet.
Dec 31:  New Year’s Eve.  Kisses.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Ignore This Rant

Happy Pagan New Year, everyone.  October was, I think, a rough month for all of us.  The Federal Election was marked by deeply divisive and personal campaigns among all parties, which carried over into social media.  The visit to Alberta by environmental youth activist Greta Thunberg also triggered confrontation between climate crisis activists and die-hard Alberta oil workers, the latter of whom wanted a return to the “good old days” of peak oil, pipelines, and tar oil sands.  And now the same small, but dedicated far right that gave us the failed PPC has raised the phantom of Wexit.

I know the last five years haven’t been easy for us in Alberta.  I personally am a victim of the downturn, brought on by a world situation that’s out of our control.  I have friends and acquaintances on both sides of the political spectrum, though I admit I’m tempted to cut my ties with those on the right.  But we’re going to need each other as the metaphorical Sun goes down and the lights go out, and as we continue our descent into a new Dark Age.  We have to find a way to keep hope and love alive, even as the tribalism that is hard-wired into our genes seeks to divide us.

Hold onto your friends from both sides of the spectrum.  Honour the many things we all have in common, despite our differences. Respect the traditional three taboo topics of sex, politics, and religion among those whom you don’t know well, until you are comfortable enough to discuss them dispassionately or in accord.  This is especially true for social media; I’ve found that unfollowing or unfriending there will, alas, have consequences in real life.  Remember that, in the end, all we have is each other.

November Events:
 Note these events are listed for information purposes only; no endorsement should be necessarily implied. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me. All times Mountain.

Oct 26-27:  The Witchery Market at 10433-83 Ave., Edmonton.  (Not associated with Mimi’s late, great Witchery in Calgary).
Nov 1-30:  Movember.
Nov 1-30:  NaNoWriMo- National Novel Writing Month.
Nov 1-3:  Taboo, "The Naughty But Nice Sex Show" at BMO Centre.
Nov 1, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle, Inglewood Community Centre.
Nov 2, 2:00 pm:  Tantric Meet. Connect, and Mingle at Joyful Java, sponsored by Numinous Creations.
Nov 3:  Daylight Savings Time ends.  Fall back!
Nov 8, 5:00 pm:  “Working With Your Ancestors” Workshop, at Lethbridge Public Library, hosted by Southern Alberta Pagan Association.
Nov 8, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle (see Nov 1).
Nov 9, 5:45 pm:  Sound Healing Cuddle Party with Ocian Flo at Scarboro Community Hall, hosted by Numinous Creations.
Nov 11:  Remembrance Day.
*Nov 11, 5:37 am:  Mercury Transit of the Sun.
*Nov 11, 6:30 pm:  Full Moon Gathering hosted by Heart2Heart Journey.
*Nov 12, 6:34 am:  Full (Beaver or Mourning) Moon.
Nov 15, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle (see Nov 1).
Nov 16, 10:00 am:  Just Be YYC Market at the Village in Brentwood.
Nov 16, 10:30 am:  Enchanted Market – Winter Wonderland at Marda Loop Community Hall.
Nov 16, 7:00 pm:  Tantric Speed Dating at Scarboro Community Hall, hosted by Numinous Creations.
Nov 17-18:  Leonid Meteor Shower.
*Nov 17, 1:00 pm:  Calgary’s Witches and Wiccans Pub Moot.
*Nov 20, 12:12 pm:  Mercury Retrograde ends in Scorpio.
Nov 22, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle (see Nov 1).
Nov 23, 10:00 am:  YYC Alternative Winter Market at Inglewood Community Hall.
Nov 24, 6:15 pm:  Rhythm Cradle hosted by Circles of Rhythm.
*Nov 25:  Celtic Tree-Month of Ruis/Elder begins, according to Graves and Llewellyn.
*Nov 26, 8:06 am:  New Moon.  Lunar Month of Ruis/Elder begins.
Nov 29, 12:00 pm:  Global Climate Strike 4 Future at City Hall.
Nov 29, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle (see Nov 1).
*Nov 29, 7:00 pm:  Cochrane Tribe Night, hosted by NRG Healing Works.
Nov 30, 10:00 am:  Calgary Expo Holiday Market at BMO Centre.
*Nov 30, 7:00 pm:  Calgary Heathens Meet and Greet.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Pagans for the Planet

A belated Happy Mabon, everyone!

Snowtember appears to be upon us once more.  Snowy Thanksgivings have been with us before, but we can only trust that there won’t be any lasting snowfalls until after Samhain.  That is, if any “weather normals” can be trusted anymore.

I write this at the end of a week of climate actions, with two local Climate Strikes Sep 20 and 27.  The timing of the actions this year is good, with youth activist Greta Thunberg’s chastising of the United Nations; the Federal Election; and a pre-election atmosphere in the U.S.  It’s definitely Thunberg’s moment in the sun, although she promises to be a lifelong leader of the movement.  Not to be forgotten are other youth leaders, such as Severn Cullis-Suzuki (daughter of David) who spoke at the Rio Summit in 1992, and Autumn Peltier, a young Anishinabe water activist who also spoke at the U.N. with Thunberg.  These and other local leaders will continue the environmental movement as the climate crisis deepens.

A friend at last week’s protest lamented that local pagans are a more than a little wanting in being politically or environmentally active in any organized capacity.  We’ll attend Pride Week, but to my knowledge we haven’t marched in it as Pagans.  The same applies to climate actions; we’ll be there, but not as Pagans Proud.  I understand there are several reasons for this.  Many of us are in the broom closet, and yes, several of us make or have made our livings through oil and gas, and/or have friends in the industry, and climate marches can be seen as a betrayal of those friends and values, and contrary to “corporate ethics”.  Many have busy lives, with only so much energy to give; for them and others, paganism is more a means for social and spiritual connection.  And yet, as pagans, we worship Mother Earth; the corollary is that we should be working for her welfare.  I know that “should” is a null word.  At the least, this means making proper life choices, but at the more advanced level, participating and organizing political actions and demonstrations can be a part of that too.  Much is made that “organizing pagans is like herding cats”; still, with proper motivation (like coordinated feedings), cats can in fact be herded; they just need to want to be herded.  And charismatic leaders like Thunberg can certainly motivate that desire for change.

A correction from last month:  After exchanging texts with the resourceful Vanessa Cardui, I now understand that I gave her a little too much credit in last month’s Almanack as a pagan liturgist.  Reading too much into a demo disk, which was essentially just the sound files, I didn’t give credit where credit was due.  The “Hymn to Ares” is in fact the Homeric Hymn.  The lyrics to “For Hestia…” are all hers, although I believe she took inspiration from Classical texts, and she admits “final credits are all to Hestia”.  Her skill as a liturgist is to take this historical material and give it new life in the 21st Century, for an audience who may be unfamiliar with them.

October Events:
 Note these events are listed for information purposes only; no endorsement should be necessarily implied. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me. All times MDT.

Oct 2-6:  Rocktober Rock and Gem Show at Westerner Park Parkland Pavilion, Red Deer.
Oct 4-6:  Calgary New Earth Expo at Big Four Building, Stampede Park.
Oct 4, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle, Inglewood Community Centre.
Oct 5, 11:00 am:  Coven Collective YYC Bazaar at Tuxedo Park Community Centre.
Oct 11-14:  HEX Halloween & Entertainment Expo at BMO Centre.
*Oct 11, 2:00 pm:  Brewing with Witches at The Stoketown CafĂ© +Cure, Lethbridge, hosted by Southern Alberta Pagan Association (SAPA).
Oct 11, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle (see Oct 4).
Oct 12, 10:00 am:  Witches’ Brew Market at Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Association.
Oct 12, 6:45 pm:  Calgary Cuddle Party at Scarboro Community Hall, hosted by Numinous Creations.
Oct 13, 10:00 am:  Hempfest Cannabis Expo at Big Four Building, Stampede Park.
*Oct 13, 11:00 am:  SAPA Chapters Hallowe’en Fundraiser at Chapter’s Lethbridge.

*Sep 13, 5:00 pm:  Spirit Warriors at private residence, Lethbridge, hosted by SAPA.
*Oct 13, 3:08 pm:  Full (Hunter’s or Blood) Moon.
Oct 14:  Canadian Thanksgiving.
*Sep 14, 2:00 pm:  Breathing Workshop at Gyro Park, Lethbridge, hosted by SAPA.
*Sep 15, 5:00 pm:  Playing with Pixies at Palm Park, Lethbridge, hosted by SAPA.
Oct 18-20:  Calgary Gem and Mineral Show at Big Four Building, Stampede Park.
Oct 18-20:  Calgary Tattoo & Arts Festival at BMO Centre.
Oct 18, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle (see Oct 4).
Oct 19, 11:00 am:  Calgary Kinky Flea Market at Forest Heights Community Centre.
*Oct 20, 1:00 pm:  Calgary’s Witches and Wiccans Pub Moot.
Oct 21:  Federal Election.  Vote, or vote not.  There is no ‘try’.
Oct 25, 7:00 pm:  Circles of Rhythm Drum Circle (see Oct 4).
*Oct 25, 7:00 pm:  Cochrane Tribe Night, hosted by NRG Healing Works.
Oct 26, 10:00 am:  Enchanted Okotoks in Olde Towne Okotoks.
*Oct 26, 7:00 pm:  Calgary Heathens Meet and Greet.
*Oct 27, 9:38 pm:  New Moon.  Lunar Month of Ngetal/Reed begins.
*Oct 28:  Celtic Tree-Month of Ngetal/Reed begins, according to Graves and Llewellyn.
*Oct 31, 9:41 am:  Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio begins 9:41 am (to Nov 20).
*Oct 31, 6:13 pm:  Sunset.  Traditional Samhain begins.
Nov 2, 7:00 pm:  “Witches Night Out YYC” Fundraiser for Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter, at Calgary Shrine Event Centre.  Women only; beware of Cowans/Muggles!