Over a year ago, when I took a few days off in the Crowsnest Pass to
mull about my career, life, and everything, I posted a photo of the Burmis Tree
(49°33'21.51"N, 114°17'56.92"W), the iconic (but dead) limber pine at
the east entrance to the Pass on Hwy. 3, calling it one of the “sacred trees of
Alberta”. This raised the question of
what other trees are out there. Unlike my list of glacial erratics, trees are
ultimately transitory things; they suffer damage and die. So in a couple of
cases, these “heritage trees” are no more.
In 2008 the Heritage Tree Foundation of Canada published a list of 73
heritage tree locations within Calgary, mainly in the inner city. This list includes groups of trees, e.g. the Memorial Drive poplars, and I hope to publish a select few as Part 3. Exploring these might make a good summer
project, but a list can be found on the last page at http://ow.ly/iu7J30afNVW
I recently found my copy of Alberta
Trees of Renown: An Honour Roll of Alberta Trees (Alberta Forestry
Association, 1986), and here’s the first part of a list of some of the oldest or
locally iconic trees in Alberta. Oldest first:
Whirlpool Point Limber Pine (approx. 52°00'04"
N, 116°28'15"). Located on the
North Saskatchewan River off Hwy. 11 just west of Abraham Lake, the 1986
estimate had the age of this ancient tree as 1000 years. More recent estimates
have it closer to 3000. http://gigapan.com/gigapans/186145
2. The oldest known Engelmann Spruce in Alberta, located near the Columbia
Icefields, is estimated to have begun life in 1265, making it over 750 years
old. Cold conditions, isolation from other forest stands, frequent rainshowers,
and low incidence of lightning, have led to its longevity.
3. The oldest Douglas Fir in Alberta, nearly 700 years old, is located atop
the Hoodoos northeast of the TransCanada Highway just inside Banff National
Park. It is one of a number of similar trees over 500 years old. http://ow.ly/zP9V30a3hgl
4. The oldest Lodgepole Pine (if it’s still standing) began life near the
Upper Kananaskis Lake after a fire in 1586, making it over 400 years old. The
area has since been taken over by spruce, and Forestry reported in 1986 that
this tree was barely hanging in. Even then, they described it as “a
dead-looking snag”.
5. The oldest Black Spruce, nearly 400 years old, is located in the Cache
Percotte forest just south of Hinton. It’s located on a cool, wet, north-facing
slope, with a high water table. Higher surrounding trees have also prevented
its growth.
6. Dunvegan Maple. Located behind the Catholic church in historic Dunvegan
on the Peace River (approx. 55°55'24.37"N, 118°35'54.03"W) this tree
(like other maples on this list) was brought to Alberta, here planted by James
McDougall in 1883. The original trunk has long-since lain down on the ground,
and newer trees are growing from it. http://gigapan.com/gigapans/88468
Garneau’s Tree, a Manitoba maple
planted in Edmonton in 1874 by Laurent and Eleanor Garneau, early settlers who
had been part of the Riel Rebellion. Acknowledged with a plaque on the U. of A.
Campus. 53°31'34.10"N, 113°31'4.65"W.
April Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only. Dates and
locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed
anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me. All times MDT.
1: All Fools’ Day.
Apr 1,
7:00 pm: Paranormal Investigation at
Haunted Hotel, Bassano, hosted by Ghost Hunt Alberta. Tickets through
Eventbrite. https://www.facebook.com/ghosthuntalberta/
Apr 1,
7:30 pm: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. http://www.cogcoa.ab.ca
Apr 8,
10:00 am: Calgary New Age Craft Market
at Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Hall.
Apr 9,
5:14 pm: Mercury Retrograde (to May 3).
Apr 9,
7:00 pm: Paranormal Pub Night at Cat ‘n
Fiddle Pub, hosted by Ghost Hunt Alberta. Tickets through Eventbrite.
Apr 11,
12:08 am: Full (Pink or Wind) Moon.
15: Saille/Willow Tree Month begins,
according to Robert Graves. (Four days after FULL Moon, showing the problem
with this “lunar” system.)
16: Easter Sunday.
Apr 16,
2:00 pm: Dances with Witches. Info:
Calgary Pagan Network on Facebook.
22: Earth Day.
Apr 22,
8:00 am: Alberta Wilderness Association
“Climb for Wilderness” at the Bow Building. http://www.climbforwilderness.ca
22: Green Calgary Composter and Rain
Barrel Sales begin (to June 24). http://www.greencalgary.org
Apr 23,
6:00 pm: Ghost Hunting 101 at The Bank
and Baron Pub, hosted by Calgary and Banff Ghost Tours. Tickets through Ticketor.
Apr 26, 6:16
am: New Moon. Saille/Willow Lunar Month
27-30: Calgary Comic and Entertainment
Expo. http://calgaryexpo.com
Apr 29,
12:00 pm: The Original Red Deer Witches
Market, at Witches Ink. http://www.witchesink.ca/
Apr 29,
7:00 pm: Heathen Meet and Greet. Info:
Calgary Heathens on Facebook.
1: Beltane.
May 1,
11:00 am: First Annual Lethbridge Pagan Cultural Festival, at Galt Gardens
(Stafford Drive Exit on Hwy 3). https://www.facebook.com/LethPaganCulturalFest/